tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2011

Just the basics

Mun hiukset on kasvanu vähän joten sidoin otsahiukset ylös, koska ne oli tiellä. Kun oli pitemmät hiukset niin pidin hiuksia jatkuvasti näin, söpöt eikös?
My hair has grown a bit so I got to tie my bangs up, tehy were in the way. I used to wear my hair all the time like this when it was longer, cute right?

Ja hei, muistatteko ne Gossip Girl kaudet mitkä ostin? Tuntuu niin kuin toka kausi olisi piraatti kopio koska siinä on monta asiaa mitkä ei vaikuta oikealta. Mutta ensimmäinen kausi vaikuttaa OK:lta, mikä on hassua, koska kaudet 1 ja 2 ovat samassa boxissa. :/
And hey, remember those Gossip Girl season I bought? I feel like the second season may be somekind of a pirate copy because there's many things that don't feel right. But the first season seems to be all right and that's funny because the second and first season are in a compined box. :/

Tässä kuvia historian tunnilta. :) Katsottiin Pocahontas.
Here some photos from our history class. :) We watched Pocahontas.
Finnish Pocahontas VHS! how oldschool :D


Perfect sweetie, now try-

-to look as depressed as you can for no apparent reason

Roosa and Amanda doing herpyderpy faces
BTW our fallbreak is fiiinally here! Even though it's really short I neede relaxition (from all the hard work I do?) but our next term sucks.

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